Questions For A Urologist

A urologist is a physician who specializes in matters related to the bladder. Body parts that these physicians focus on in addition to the bladder include the kidney, genitals in both women and men, as well as the prostate and testicles of males. This specialist works to diagnose, treat and prevent diseases in all ages of the population. Children through the elderly may develop conditions and maladies that need intervention.Here are some common questions for a urologist:What tests do you use? There are various tests that would be utilized depending on the problem. Some common ones are laboratory testing of the urine; manual digital exams; CAT scans, ultrasounds, and MRIs. After a lab test and a manual examination, a doctor would be able to decide which, if any, further tests would be necessary.Why do I experience pain while urinating?This symptom may mean that a UTI is in full swing or an array of other issues. A urinalysis should be able to rule out the simpler reasons and give information on how to proceed.What should be done about blood in the urine? This could be anything from an infection, kidney stones or cancer. This is something that should be immediately brought to the attention of a doctor.Sometimes there is difficulty with emptying the bladder completely; what does this mean? The answer may be a host of reasons. A cystoscopy is a test that will allow for examination of the internal components of the genitourinary system in order to gather data.What does the constant need to run to the bathroom indicate? This could mean anything from diabetes to an enlarged prostrate gland in men. A specialist should be able to make the determination.What about incontinence? This may be solved with a variety of techniques including Kegel exercises, biofeedback or surgical intervention in order to tighten up the muscles in the region.Weve been unable to conceive a child; what should we check for?Both male and female bodies contribute to the conception of a baby and so both would need to be screened for possible problems. Sperm count, semen production, and more are related to the urinary tracts.How are problems with sexual function related to urology?The genitals and reproductive systems are located in this area and are closely linked. Semen and sperm production would need to be checked as well as all mechanisms of the region.What is a neurogenic bladder? This is related to nerve damage. Sufferers of this malady may have to resort to self-catheterization. This is something that should be discussed with the health care practitioner.Urologists are able to diagnose and treat many of these problems and more. Surgeries to reconstruct systems that have broken down are now possible. There are even certain medical facilities that perform some complex procedures using robotics. If a patient is having trouble with any of the functions related to the genitourinary tracts, they should see this specialist. Their primary care doctor or insurance company should be able to recommend reputable providers that are conveniently located.

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