How Can I Stop Snoring? An Overview Of Natural Stop Snoring Options

Submitted by: John Spencer

If you sit up at night wondering to yourself “how can I stop snoring?” maybe it’s time to do something about it. There are many different remedies that are extremely affordable, and you should exhaust all of those options before moving on to the treatments that cost more money. For example, in many cases all you need to do to put an end to the offensive noise is roll over and sleep on your stomach or back. When you do this, gravity pulls your tongue away from the back of your throat, where it can vibrate and make noise, towards the side of your mouth where there’s nothing for it to vibrate against. In just a few seconds, you can sleep quietly and have to fork over a dime for the cure.

However, if the rolling over trick doesn’t work, and you’re still asking yourself how can I stop snoring?, you may need to hit up your local drug store. There are over the counter breathing strips that you can buy for $10 (you get a box of about a dozen of them). These strips are made out of cloth and flexible plastic with an adhesive backing. Simply wear them over the bridge of your nose when you go to bed and forget about it. The strips work by gently pulling open your nasal passages, encouraging you to breathe through your nose, as opposed to your mouth. Without all of the air coming into your mouth causing your tongue to vibrate, you can sleep sans snoring.


If you’ve tried both of the aforementioned cures and you need another answer to the how can I stop snoring? question, you may need to suck it up and see your doctor. You may have sleep apnea, a sleeping disorder that can have disastrous effects on your heart. If this is the case, surgery may be in order, but it could be one that can save your life.

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